Zephyr Foundation

a 501(c)3 non-profit

Zephyr’s mission: advancing rigorous transportation and land use decision-making for the public good by advocating for and supporting improved travel analysis, and facilitating its implementation.


Our vision is to become the primary venue through which leading researchers and practitioners seek to develop and implement travel analysis methods and tools that are demonstrably more valuable, credible, transparent, tractable, reproducible, and usable.

We strive for those methods and tools to support decision-making that is inclusive and promotes equitable outcomes, shared prosperity, and sustainability.

More About Zephyr

Read up About Zephyr to find more on the nonprofit's

  • goals
  • leadership
  • membership
  • and fine print such as 501(c)3 status, governance, and bylaws.

Programs and Projects

This is a list of Zephyr's projects and programs.


An integrated online Community of Practice for the Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP).

Network Data Standard and Management Tools

Datasets of standardized input and observed data in order to facilitate the testing of and compare the performance of various algorithms, approaches, or parameters.

Software Badging

Develop a set of badges to award software tools that meet various criteria.

Open Science

Develop a set of badges for projects that meet criteria for openness and reproducibility.


A data standard for fixed-route ridership.