Learning Session - Long-Range Travel Demand Forecasting Under Deep Uncertainty

Thursday, Nov 14, 2024

12:00 - 1:00 PM ET / 9:00 - 10:00 AM PT

Slides - Charlene Rohr

Slides - Robert Lempert

Slides - Jeff Newman


This session will feature insights from leading researchers and practitioners of Decision Making Under Uncertainty (DMDU) methods, followed by a Q&A session on how to integrate these approaches into mainstream practice in travel demand forecasting.

This session will feature insights from leading researchers and practitioners of Decision Making Under Uncertainty (DMDU) methods, followed by a Q&A session on how to integrate these approaches into mainstream practice in travel demand forecasting.


  • Dr. Robert Lempert is a principal researcher at the RAND Corporation and Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition. He is also the author of the influential book Shaping the Next One Hundred Years: New Methods for Quantitative, Longer-Term Policy Analysis.
  • Charlene Rohr has over 30 years’ experience undertaking qualitative and quantitative research to understand travel behavior. She has substantial expertise in developing travel demand models for urban, regional, and national geographies in the UK, Scandinavia and Australia. In recent years, Charlene has been working on ‘Futures Framework’ for the UK Department of Transport.
  • Dr. Jeffrey Newman has more than 20 years of experience building and using transportation demand models. He is the lead software developer for TMIP-EMAT, a framework for exploratory modeling using transportation models. He also developed Larch, a Python package designed for discrete choice modeling.

The session will be moderated by Marty Milkovits, Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization; and Flavia Tsang, Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

To help enrich your experience during our upcoming webinar, we encourage you to review the FHWA Transportation Planning for Uncertain Times report. While not mandatory, familiarizing yourself with this report will enhance our discussion and provide valuable context.